I want to bring you along slowly so that you can stay healthy, mentally and emotionally strong, and feeling fresh on the day of the event. The reason for that is to make sure your body had adequate time to acclimatize to the workload.

The plan I provide below is 24 weeks long! It’s important that we have a long slow buildup to the run. There are many paths to the top of the mountain as they say, but I’m going to provide you with a well beaten, tried and true path, that if followed closely will get you to that finish line. Rio del Lago (2014), UTMB (2015), Run Rabbit Run (2016), The Bear (2018) How do I prepare for a 100 mile run? Let’s get you that finishers belt buckle! I’m going to do my best here to set you up for success. I’m excited that you’re seeking out a training plan! Especially if you’re going to be attempting your first 100. And if we ever meet and you ask me about them, I will gush like a schoolgirl and tell you the play by play until things get real weird. They each rest on the ledge of a wooden frame that holds an image that encapsulates the event: the race logo, the map, the course profile, and a few pictures from the race. But you better believe I have my four 100 mile belt buckles mounted on my bedroom wall! I don’t save any of the finisher medals, ribbons, or other commemorative items you get at most of these races. Personally, I’ve finished about 40 trail ultras, and a ton of road marathons, half marathons, 10ks, and 5ks.

No matter how you slice it, during the course of the race, you will experience the full range of human emotion. There is absolutely nothing like crossing that finish line. No matter what, if you finish the race, you deserve to scream that accomplishment from the mountain tops for the rest of your days. Sure, some courses are harder than others, but no 100 is easy.

There’s nothing easy about finishing a 100. A lot of people can run a 50k and claim the title of ultra runner, but what do they say to the inevitable follow up question, “Have you run a 100?” Let’s make sure your answer to that question is a resounding YES ! Welcome to the pinnacle of ultra running: the 100 miler.